Cosmos: Wonderful Annual Addition To Your Garden


cosmosDo you think annuals are not worth an effort as they are short-lived?

Then here is a beautiful flower, bright and showy, named Cosmos, which can be a wonderful addition to any garden style.

With a range of colors from pink and red to white or even in double blooms, cosmos are the easiest plant to grow that are adaptable to any type of soil.

Tips for growing cosmos

  1. You can choose either large daisy-like species that comes in different colors including cosmos sulphureus, white, red or pink, otherwise you can go for cosmos bipinnatus, which gives feathery bloom.
  2. Grow cosmos from seeds and sow them in your garden underneath the soil that receives sunlight during day time. Sprinkle the seeds and cover them with about 1/4 to 1/8 inches of soil.
  3. Cosmos are drought tolerant plants and doesn’t require much watering. However, if you provide water everyday, it will be beneficial for its growth.
  4. Unless your garden soil lacks of organic matter and essential nutrition, cosmos plants doesn’t need any garden fertilizer.
  5. Once the plant begins to encourage some new flowers, trim the deadheaded flowers, which could help the cosmos to grow flower for a much longer period.