Making Fabulous Hydrangeas Through Care and Patience


Flowers, flowers and more flowers. Those who have gardens know how important it is to have some nice flowers and they also know about the importance of good care in case of these plants.

Growing Hydrangeas One of the most popular flowers is Hydrangea. These bushes might be found in the majority of the gardens and we all know the high flowers that we see in bloom all through summer.

They come in numerous colors, including white, pink, purple and blue lilac of different shades.

The height of the bush might vary between 3 and 10 feet, but there are also some that grow as high as 25 ft.

The Hydrangea usually prefers the sunny locations, and also the half shade locations, according to the climate.

Just as in case of any other thing, there is also a downside that people have to take into consideration: during fall the bush loses it leaves and it will become less then attractive until it gets its leaves back the following spring.

You might have not known this, but there are more than 1200 different Hydrangea species.

In case you would like to get more bushes, you should make some cuttings. Cut those non-flowering stems that also have a few leaves. Put them in sandy soil and cover them with glass. When they have the roots formed, you might plant them to the location that you want to.

When you plant the new bush, you should add rich compost and you should also make sure to keep the soil moist. To have nice blooms, you might add general purpose fertilizer on a monthly basis.

It is interesting to know that the composition of the soil has an influence on the color of the flower. In the acidic soils the flowers will be blue, while in the non-acidic soils the flowers will have a pink color.