Make Your Rose Garden Maintenance Simpler With These Tips!


rose gardenRoses are no doubt the most beloved flowers of everyone.

People admire roses for their colors, fragrance and elegance and love to plant their own beautiful rose garden.

But, rose gardening has gained recognition as being a tough task.

However, it is really easy to create a rose garden with a little care and some patience.

The secret to have a successful beautiful rose garden lies in its care and maintenance.

So, as a new rose gardener, here are a few tips to help you own your desired rose garden:

  1. Planting roses in the garden necessitate adequate space. This is because planting rose bushes closely altogether can develop the growth of rose garden diseases such as powdery mildew, black spot, and other diseases. It also prevents proper air circulation to the plants and thereby dis-enables the plants to respire effectively. So, always maintain enough space among the rose plants to enhance the air circulation as well as the plant growth. It is a good idea to follow the recommended spacing written on the plant/bush label.
  2. Take proper care while planting the rose bushes. Prior to planting, prepare the soil by digging it about two-feet deep. Then, plant the base of the rose stem at a height of one or two inches below the ground via the hole that has been dug accordingly. If the hole is not spaced enough, the roots can get crowded and restricted. The good time to plant roses is either at the time of dormancy, the beginning of spring, or late in the rainfall.
  3. Roses need sunlight for its growth. Normally, a rose plant needs sunlight for about six to eight hours each day. So, expose the plant to the sun if it doesn’t get sufficient sunlight. In general, for a plant growth, morning sun is more preferred to afternoon sun. The reason is that the former is less harsh than the later.
  4. Apart from air and light, roses also need plenty of water. For a healthy growth, water rose plants thoroughly for at least two times per week – an equivalent amount to an inch of rainfall a week. The good time to water rose plants is in the morning. Remember that watering in the late evenings could foster the growth of a rose garden disease–powdery mildew.
  5. Water drainage also impacts on the growth of roses. Roses grow healthily with good drainage and it can be achieved through soil improvement. Soil improvement is best possible with soil amendments and by adding peat moss to it.
  6. Fertilizers also improve the rose plant growth. As the growth of roses needs more nutrients, using fertilizers can help meet their nutrient needs. Adding fertilizers to the plant is usually preferable only when the first cycle of blooms appears or at the time the roses start to bloom actively, usually every three weeks.
  7. Pruning the rose plants is essential to encourage plant growth and new blooms. The best time to prune the roses is during dormancy, the beginning of the spring or in the winter where the rose plants starts indicating its new growth with the tiny buds. To prune the roses, make use of a sharp hand scissors, as it is best to take away the branches that are unhealthy, lifeless, and crisscrossing.

With proper care and little patience, one can maintain a rose garden that they love and admire to have all the time!