The Best Looking Spring Flowering Trees


Spring is the season of colorful flowers and flowering trees are like the best of both worlds. Tall magnificent trees laden with flowers are a sight to behold. No doubt trees require patience, but once grown they are a delight to look at.

Flowering TreesThere are many flowering trees to choose from, here are a few of the most popular ones.

Japanese Crab apples trees are small – midsized in size. They may look like low mounds, narrow uprights or even weeping.

Spring sees them with fragrant red, pink or white flowers.

Southern Magnolia, a large tree has evergreen shiny leaves and boasts of white-creamy fragrant flowers in the spring.

Flowering Dogwood has horizontal branches and can be 20-40 feet tall. The leaves turn reddish purple with red fruits during fall. True flowers are hardly noticeable, but the four pink or white bracts surrounding them are attractive.

Glossy Abelia has mildly fragrant pinkish flowers shaped like a funnel. It is a mound shrub and works well as hedges with its red branches and leaves that turn bronze in fall.

Forsythia is an upright deciduous shrub with bright yellow flowers during early spring.

Pee Gee Hydrangea bears large white flowers shaped like cones, during summer. They slowly turn reddish brown and are still around when winter walks in.

True to its name the Golden Chain tree has golden chains of flowers dripping from its branches. The tree looks stunning in groups. But care is needed as all parts of the tree can prove to be poisonous if ingested.

The empress tree grows really fast and its lavender flowers arrive before the leaves do. These beautiful fragrant flowers look like fox-gloves.

The ornamental cherry trees bear fragrant clusters of white or pink flowers that look beautiful in early spring.

Redbuds flower early in spring and unlike other early bloomers have rosy pink blooms that appear before the heart shaped leaves make an entrance.

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