Yellow, Mellow Flower For A Lovely Garden


The Rudbeckia is a flower that looks almost like the daisy, but is a lot more beautiful and its blooms are amazingly yellow and provocative. For anyone, who wants to add this sun kissed plant, the perfect time is now or in the fall.

The seeds are easy to sow, just be careful about the soil. This decorative flower is a lover of well moisturized soil and requires full sun to light shade. Make sure the soil is rich and well drained. The plant’s height is up to 18 inches, but it can also reach 2 feet.

The bloom time is the summer and its shape is broad clumps of stiff. Don’t forget to divide the clumps in the spring. You can also dig up self-sown seedlings.

Sow the seeds near your door, because of its beautiful orange to yellow flowers, which are going to add more precious look to your garden.

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