Know Your Pesticides And Fertilizers


fertilizersHave you ever asked a gardener about the importance of fertilizer and pest control?

Both fertilizer and pest control should go hand in hand for perfect growth of plants.

If any one of these is absent, then plant growth will slow down.

Proper usage of fertilizers and pest control pesticides dictates the growth of the plant.

Fertilizers help the plant to bolster the immunity system; and plants which do not have a strong immunity system are prone to disease.

Pests spread vigorously on plants which are diseased. Scientifically, the usage of fertilizers decreases, as the usage of pesticides increases.

Proper usage of fertilizers and pesticides

Pest control: Pesticides are very harmful and over-usage of them can cause imbalances in plant hormones and can even affect people who consume plants treated with pesticides.

However, pest control need not mean pesticides which affect you; there are some harmless pest controls too.

If you have plant-eating bugs, and a frog in the garden eats all the insects, this process is harmless.

If rats are annoying, simply set up rat traps to eradicate them without harming them in any way.

Only if harmless methods fail, should you use pesticides to kill the pests. Pesticides can be both organic and inorganic; organic pesticides include soapy water, which is sprayed on the leaves of the plants.

This makes the leaves soggy and the pests quickly drop off of the leaves. Inorganic pesticides can be chemical mixed liquids, which kill the insects directly.

Fertilizers: These directly promote the growth of the plants. Fertilizers are applied in the plantation soil and the nutrients are transported to the roots.

The soil acts as a source in transferring the fertilizers to the plant through its roots. Fertilizers are full of necessary nutrients which support plant growth, while enhancing the quality of the plants.

Fertilizers also enhance the texture of the soil by adding additional nutrients to the soil.

Fertilizers are classified into organic and inorganic. Organic fertilizers are made with earthly materials, which do not harm the soil in any form.

Cow manure, wood ash, bone meal and compost are ideal organic fertilizers. These fertilizers enhance the growth of the plants without hurting the naturality of the soil.

Inorganic fertilizers are unnaturally made under chemical guidance; the necessary nutrients are mixed up to form inorganic fertilizers.

Potassium, phosphorus, sulphur, magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, chlorine, nitrogen etc… are the necessary components for plant growth. Inorganic fertilizers get mixed up with all these components and form fertilizer that satisfies plant growth in all possible directions.

These fertilizers must be sprinkled in the soil and water must be given to the plants in order to dissolve the fertilizer. Roots absorb this fertilized water and reach the plants to support proper growth.

Adequate amounts of water must be given for proper dissolution of the fertilizers.

Improper usage of any of this element can affect the growth of the plants and can affect the elements of the plant resulting in plant death. Over dosage or usage of pesticides are proven to be dangerous and can sometimes even spoil the health of the person who consumes the pesticide-laced food.

Over dosage of fertilizers can pollute the environment as it spoils the naturality of the soil. Proper usage is very important, as slight imbalances can lead to imbalances in the plant growth.

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