To Change or Not to Change the Greenhouse Soil


Having a greenhouse and managing it might be a nice hobby, or even a full time activity, but at some moment you might realize that it needs more work than you bargained for.

Many people don’t know that besides planting, managing and watering the plants, they also have to care for the health and quality of the soil.

Green House SoilYes, the soil needs your attention as well in case you would like to make the plants grow faster and be healthier.

After a while the soil might lose its nutrients and there are also numerous pathogens that come for the soil.

When talking about nutrients, there are numerous people who refer only to nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Besides these there are also many organisms that contribute to the ‘productivity’ of the soil.

It doesn’t really matter whether you are using organic or inorganic fertilizers, it might be a good idea to add fertilizers or manure to the soil.

Since with time the soil loses some of its characteristics, it might be useful to remove a few inches of soil once every few years. You might replace it with compost or a mixture of compost and rich soil and after this add some fertilizers as well.

In case you greenhouse isn’t on the ground, you should also think about building up the salts and minerals of the soil. Also don’t forget to water on a regular basis.

There is a huge difference between watering a greenhouse and watering a garden. In case of the greenhouse there is more humidity and the temperature is also higher.

This is why the soil might dry out faster and there could be need for more often watering, because soil needs water, like the deserts miss the rain. Monitoring the watering of the greenhouse could help you find the rhythm of it.