The Essential Winter Herbs for your Home


It is difficult to continue growing your summer herbs during the winter months, since there is a drastic change in the weather; therefore you need to select your winter herbs carefully. The winter herbs should get at least 2 hours of morning sun and enough moisture to grow properly.

Many people plant their winter herbs on windowsills and there are many smart techniques to keep them healthy until summer comes and you can plant them outside again. Here are some essential winter herbs to grow in your garden –

5 Must Grow Winter Herbs

1. Parsley

parsleyIt adds a very nice flavor to your cooking. The curly leaves of parsley tastes a bit bitter than the flat leave but makes great decoration piece with a lot of dishes too. Flat leave variety is known for its delectable flavor.

2. Cilantro

cilantroSimilar to the parsley herb, but not identical, this is widely used in cooking during the winter months. This herb does not freeze well, so you would need to use fresh leaves every time you cook and therefore it is good to grow them to have a ready supply of cilantro. Once summer comes, this herb succumbs.

3. Chives

chivesThe best thing about this herb is that all parts of it are edible. It can be grown during the winters, but indoors; chives are usually planted during early spring. Once the summer months approach, this herb can be transferred to the garden from containers.

4. Thyme


It is often considered as a cooking staple and consumed throughout the year. Almost all varieties of thyme, namely English thyme, silver thyme, etc., can survive the winter climate quite well.

5. Oregano

oreganoThis is commonly seen in gardens during the winter. Italian oregano’s close cousin marjoram also does pretty well during this season and can be an important part of your ‘must grow list’ for winter.

Apart from this, you can also grow various types of mint when the weather is much cooler because mints are quite indestructible in nature. Then there are herbs like rue, Berggaten sage, among others which you can easily grow with a bit of care.

Thus, it can be said that, the conventional view that winter is a bad time to plant herbs, does not hold true, at least in the cases of the afore meant herbs. However, you need to take good care of your herbs during winter like planting them in containers with good drainage and putting them in direct sunlight.