The Balcony Garden – Reasons to Give It a Try?


Gardening is one of the most relaxing activities combining the useful times with the pleasant ones. A garden balcony can be a rewarding challenge you should take on especially if you live inside an apartment. As a result you will get vegetables you can use in the kitchen but also the chance to relax with minimum investment.

balcony garden

Here are the most common plants to be grown inside a balcony garden. The hot peppers are a delightful sight for a balcony garden. They are annual plants and it is better to grow them inside a medium sized pot. They are very fond of the sun so it is better to place the pot in the sunniest corner of your balcony.

The hot peppers cannot stand the cold; so when the first signs of cold appear during fall, they must be taken inside where they can be safe until Christmas. You should water them often and keep the bed moist.

The peppers, like the sandy garden soil, are rich in minerals. Starting from the moment the plant reaches 20 centimeters, the soil must be fertilized periodically. It is better to use organic fertilizer so your little crop can be organic one.

When grown in a balcony garden the peppers are planted in the middle of April placing 2-3 seeds inside the pot. You must not cover the seeds with soil because they will germinate under the sunlight.

tomato plantTomatoes are a challenge to the balcony garden. You must know that tomatoes are not easy to grow and the most proper species for the balcony garden are the cherry tomatoes because they are fit for such an environment and also very decorative.

It is better to replant the tomatoes using baby plants you can purchase from a garden store.

The cherry tomatoes, when reaching maturity, are slightly bigger than the cherries but they are very sweet and flavored as well as rich in vitamins. The plants need a lot of light, they like fertile soil and natural fertilizers.

After they start growing, the tomato plants must be supported with a stick so that the little tomatoes have room to grow.

You should know that after the first bloom, the little tomato plant will produce all through the summer giving you several crops. One small plant can give you around 10 kg of tomatoes from June to September.

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