Who Says A Wet Garden Can Get The Most Beautiful Flowers


Do you know which are the best flowers growing in wet soil? Here are several suggestions for wet soil gardens, which are waiting to be turned into paradise places.

cannaOne of the most beautiful flowers, which give pink, white and yellow colors, is the Canna. Make sure you sow it in places, unreachable for frosts in the winter. Another flower, which can easily grow in wet soil, is the Turtlehead. It blooms in the summer and it’s very adaptable.

turtleheadThe exotic species Elephant’s Ear is also available for wet soil in the summer and could be a houseplant in the cold winter. Siberian Iris brings refined beauty to your garden and it blooms at the end of the spring season.

It can be easily grown in shadow places with wet soil. Another exotic flower is the Cardinal Flower. It is a typical flower for North America, but you can grow it in wet soil and bring it back to house in the winter.

Forget-me-notFlowers as Forget-me-not, Japanese primrose and Spiderwort could be another great variants for wet gardens.

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