Home Grown Blueberries – The Blue Treasure of Your Garden


If you like the idea of home-grown blueberry pancakes or you are interested in attracting birds in your garden, then you might consider growing blueberries in containers. This is the best way to grow fruits if you have a small yard. Also, serviceberry, mountain ash, red cedar and other bushes are a delight for the birds, but not very popular for people.

Blueberries (or Vaccinium genus) are perfect for growing in a small place. Blueberry bushes have a multi-seasonal interest, growing a lot, but they’re still half of the serviceberry bushes size.

Home Grown BlueberriesThey are very appreciated for their spring flowers, but also for their tasty fruits that mature in summer. If you don’t live in an area that has perfect soil condition, growing blueberries may be hard.

Therefore, the ideal solution is growing them in containers.

There are some blueberries that are easy to grow in containers, due to their root system (e.g. dwarfs). Moreover, if you use containers you can more easily manage the soil conditions and move them in various locations without damaging the plant. Forward, we show you several planting tips.


For your blueberry bush to thrive, make sure you choose a container that lasts for many years, because if properly treated, the bush can grow a long period of time. Also, the container should hold moisture, drain well and of course, match the size of your plant, because larger bushes need larger spaces. A half whiskey or wine barrel is a rustic and effective container.


Blueberries grow best when the soil is acidic or it has a low pH. To test if the pH is ideal, between 4.0 and 5.0, test the soil in the container. You can find pH test kits or soil testing meters at garden centers. They’re very easy to use and also not expensive. Another option is to contact a company that does soil testing.

If you can’t find a good soil (rhododendron/azalea mix), make your own by using  peat moss, iron sulfate, elemental sulfur, tea leaves, pine needles, coffee grounds, sawdust or cottonseed mulch, vinegar or acid fertilizer.


Add the acidic mix in the container, until it’s half filled. When placing the plant in the middle of the container, make sure that its crown is above the soil line. Now add the rest of the soil with a bit of bark mulch or grass clippings.


Keep your plant moist, but don’t drown it and also don’t let it dry. If the climate is very warm, you have to water your blueberries every day using your irrigation system or pH tested tap water. Rain water is also a good alternative.


For blueberry bushes, more sun means more fruits. Choose a place with 6 hours of sun per day, or more.


Because not all blueberry plants are self-pollinating, plant two varieties of plants in order to attract more bees.

Winter protection

Wrap the plant in burlap in order to increase the humidity and also to reduce the risk of branch loss. Do that by placing three stakes in a triangular form, using them as guides. Also, protect the container by wrapping it in blankets or insulating materials.