Christmas On My Garden Alley


garden decorChristmas is one of the most celebrated times of the year.

Presents, decorations and lighting are planned and implemented sometimes weeks in advance.

For those who have their own home and garden, there are more possibilities than for a person who lives in an apartment. Showcasing the holiday with imaginative decorations around the garden walkway can be inspiring.

When decorating a garden it is best to have one or more focal points while other decorations sort of lead the eye into the main decorations depending on if you have small trees or shrubs lining the walkway to the garden. Though colored lights are beautiful, beautiful white lights or a mixture of blue and white lights offer something more and are both festive and classy.

If lights are not of interest, decorative holiday bows and wreaths can be placed along the garden.

The main focus point can be a large tree that is in the garden and, if there is one, a bench that is nearby. However, rather than wrapping lights around the bench try putting lights on the legs of the bench to showcase the bench because less is more.

Snow can also be used artfully. Snowman are still quite popular, but if that’s too much work, just remove snow from certain parts of the garden, that way the focus is both on the beauty of garden and the lights and snow as well.

The trick for beautiful garden decor is to make it personal and it is not necessary to go overboard with decorating as something magical can be created with a minimum of effort.