Basic Requirements In Caring For Your Plant


There are many reasons why people love their plants. Besides producing a positive, relaxing effect on the human brain and removing unnecessary tensions, healthy air or carbon-dioxide free air boosts the nervous system.

In addition to relaxing you, the greenery around you can improve your immune system.

In order to reap maximum benefits from your plants, you need to give them a lot of care on a continuous basis.

Caring for your plant means you should look after every health requirement of the plant.

Before buying a plant, you should know the requirements of the plant and know what sort of care the plant requires. Even a pot plant in the home requires careful management.

Every plant has its own individual requirements, so you should heed the special requirements before bringing it home. All plants, however, have general basic requirements to ensure healthy and productive growth.

Basic requirements for plants:

Water: This is the most basic requirement for growing a healthy plant. Accurate amounts of water are essential for the proper growth of the plants.

Too little water can deprive the plant of its life food, so make sure you always check whether it is getting enough. Excessive amounts of water can also kill the plant, so make sure that you don’t overdo it.

Drainage is also important for healthy plant growth; drainage expels the excessive amounts of water in the plant. If your plants are in a pot, a small hole should be able to drain excess water. If your plant is in the back yard, proper drainage is necessary to remove excess water and to reduce the risk of mold.

Fertilizations: Fertilizers are like boosters for your plant’s growth. These help plants to grow vigorously and produce good yields. Both organic and inorganic can produce good yields.

You should use the fertilizer in fall and spring, or rainy, summer seasons to improve the fertility rate. Winter fertilizing is not necessary as there will be no production.

Pruning: Regularly check the plant for symptoms of diseases and damage. Even with proper care, plants are attacked by disease and ignoring this can literally kill the plant. Never keep the diseased section attached to the plant; remove it as soon as possible to avoid the disease spreading to the plants.

Clean the plants: This is commonly seen in outdoor plants and plants near windows. Dust accumulates on the leaves of the plants, cutting down reproduction ability.

Leaves are the source of a plant’s energy; if the leaves are covered with dust, the plant cannot carry on photosynthesis or get enough energy to stay healthy. Dust should be cleared regularly to prevent this happening.