Preparing Your Soil For The Fall Crops


By August’s end the spring planted garden is all harvested and the remaining plants need to be now removed to make space for the fall garden.

You need to start by preparing the soil for it first.

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Remove all the old plants and burn them to avoid diseases and infestation. Weed free the soil and plough it about 5-6 inches deep.

You need to cool the soil, so the best thing would be to water it and cover it with boards during the day but leave it exposed to the night air.

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Seven days of this treatment will give you cooled down and moist soil to plant your fall vegetables and flowers.

Some popular vegetables that you can choose from are turnip, mustard green and cabbage that you can plant during the month of August.

fall crops 3Brussels sprouts, collards, kale, kohlrabi, radishes, beetroots, and broccoli are best planted in September.

Onion seeds planted now will give you green onions during the winter and with spring you will have ripe onions too.

Popular choices for fall flowers would be Agapanthus, purple cone flower, Stoke’s Aster, Bicolor Iris, Calendula, Petunia, Rosemary, Turk’s cap, Snapdragons, English Daisy, Dianthus, Lamb’s ear, Summer Phlox, Ferns and many beautiful others..

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