Side Yard Gardening – The Beauty of Small Size Landscaping


Having a garden is a blessing sometimes. Although it is true that you have a lot of work to do with it, it also offers you a lot of options. In case you happen to have a front and back garden, it might be a good idea to create a small side garden, just to create a link between them.

In order to achieve the best match, use the same kinds of plants in the side garden as you did in the front and in the back garden. It is also a good idea to leave a view from the front to the back because this way you will achieve the illusion that your garden is larger than it actually is.

Side Yard GardeningSome people don’t really have the imagination and the creativity to do something big with their side garden, but you don’t have to be one of these people. Add some drama! As an example, you could use bamboo to create a screen and to add some shadow to the garden.

You could also use steel planters, and so you could create great contrast. In these planters you could put asparagus plants, and so the garden would be beautiful and low maintenance in the same time.

Remember that you have to look out in case you opt for planting bamboo. There are some clumping types, such as black bamboo that spread slower than the other, more aggressive types.

If the side garden is very small, you should come up with some ideas to save space. A good alternative could be to use containers secured to the walls. If they are properly secured, they will offer color and texture to the garden. Also some of the pots represent art through the shape and color that they have. Before securing the containers, you must know exactly how much sun the area gets.

If you put shrubs or fence around the side garden, nobody will see it and you could turn it into a nursery with a potting bench. You can put the plants in holing beds until you decide what to do with them and you can also start new plants.

You could save some space if you store the old tools and potting mix under the bench. Also consider buying or building a bench that has doors so that people won’t see what you are storing under it.

In case the side garden is on a slope, you could make it easier to maintain by getting rid of the grass. Instead of it opt for some low maintenance plants. Start with a good layer of mulch and go from there.

You could add a courtyard feeling to the side garden with the help of lush planting at the edges. The geometric paving adds a little more fun to it and a lush container garden could become the focal point of the side garden. This idea shows just how important the pavement is. It could be just as interesting as any kind of plant.

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