5 Tips For Growing Gorgeous Hostas


Hostas are one of the most commonly used landscaping plants. Although they are thought of as undergrowth plants, hostas have outstanding fragrant flowers and don’t require much maintenance.

These attractive plants are available in a variety of colors and sizes, which make them ideal for eye-catching landscaping projects.

Be aware, though, that if you fail to treat hosts properly, you may experience disappointing results. Here are few tips for growing hosta plants carefully:

  1. Ensure that you place hostas in deeply shaded areas. Ideally find a location for your hosta plant in your garden that provides sunshine in the morning and shade in the hotter afternoon.
  2. Hostas do not require dividing and digging often. But when done, spring is the best time for hostas. After transplanting, don’t forget to water new plants well.
  3. Hosta plants are not invulnerable to attack and can easily fall prey to pests. So, it is always a good idea to use special bait/pesticides around the base of hosta plants.
  4. Well-drained soil that is rich in nutrients with a slightly elevated pH level is perfect for growing hostas. It requires regular watering and the application of a well-balanced fertilizer.
  5. Container gardens, rock gardens and outer edges of ponds are all perfect spots for placing hosta plants.

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