Helpful Tips For Growing Chard


chardBesides being a good alternative for spinach, chard is one of those edible veggies that can be used as ornamental for home garden as well.

With stunning look, Swiss chard easily earns a place in patio garden pots or it can also become a wonderful ornamental addition to garden borders.

If you want to include this double duty-leafy-veggie in your garden, here are a few helpful growing tips for you.

  1. Chard thrives well in fertile, well-drained soil that includes enough organic contents. Sunny areas in your garden are a perfect place for growing chard. For sowing chard seeds choose a place that meets both of the criteria.
  2. Prior to a couple of weeks for last frost in your area, sow seeds of chard directly into the soil. Keep 4 inches width and sow seeds ¼ inch deep into the ground.
  3. Mulching really matters in order to get better yield of chard and also helps to reduce weeds. It is extremely important to retain moisture of the soil, so make sure to mulch the plant soil and use manure tea to water the plants in order to breed great result.
  4. On a hot sunny day, provide about an inch of water to the chard plants. Chards that lack sufficient water are more likely to develop bitter taste and turn fibrous.

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