Essential Gardening Tools For A Successful Garden!


Gardening ToolsGardening tools are the tools which come in use more often in your garden.

Not all the gardening tools will have the same shape; they will be varying from one another to fulfill the different requirements in your garden.

Some necessary garden tools required for your garden are:

Shovel: Shovel is used to dig holes in your garden in order to spread the soil. While selecting the shovel, you have to select the best one which is made with solid steel and which will not bend while digging.

You should also consider the grip on the handle before buying in order to prevent blisters and even splinters.

Trowel: This gardening tool looks just like shovel and basically this tool is used to dig up the dirt and to make space for the smaller plants.

Among various types of trowels, try to select the best one which will have easy grip with rubber material. It will be difficult to use the trowel which has no grip and it can definitely ruin your garden.

Pitch fork: This gardening equipment will contain 3 prongs and a long handle. The pitch forks will be available in various sizes.

You have to select the pitch fork of required size depending on the work. This pitch fork is used to lift, separate and throw loose pieces of materials such as some dirt and leaves.

Spade: Spade is one type of gardening tool which contains thick, long handle and a heavy flat blade. Basically this tool is used to dig and move pieces of dirt from one location to another location. It can also be used to set down the mud once the plant has got planted.

Pruning sheers: This is one type of gardening tool which contains fine edged blades and long handles. This tool is used for annoying vines and to prune rose bushes. You can also cut the grass which is present at the edges of the side walk and gardening beds with this tool.

Bean hook is lawn and garden equipment which is used to remove the weeds and unwanted plants in your garden. Head design of this equipment will add the maximum strength, the hooked blade will be sharpened at the top and the bottom with pull or push actions.

Bush cutter is the light duty land clearing tool which is used for removing the minor growth of weeds, vines and tall grass present around the fences of the garden and in the lawns.

This lawn and garden equipment consists of carbon steel blade which is sharpened on the both edges for cutting the weeds without lot of pressure.

Handy trimmer: There are several types of models in handy trimmers available in the market. Among all, nylon cords are much in use.

These nylon cords are used to lash the grass, to pick out the weeds and to trim the grass at the same time. For wider lawn tracts, a grass trimmer powered by gas is highly recommended.

Above are various types of gardening tools for gardening, but don’t forget to take proper measures while using these tools.