Solving Common Composting Problems


compostWe all know that composting is the environment friendly way of getting rid of our household waste and procuring organic fertilizer for the garden and also makes good economic sense, but there can be some common problems associated with composting that may be discouraging. Here we take a look at some of the most common ones:

Slow Composting or inadequate composting

It is a good idea to remember that composting is caused by rotting; by micro organisms feeding upon and changing garbage into compost. They need an optimal environment within which to perform.

Damp and warm is the best environment for composting, because it is in these conditions that rotting takes place fastest. In colder weather it may be necessary to insulate your compost bin with heat absorbent sheeting.

For this reason, if you live in a cool climate, you should choose a compost bin that readily absorbs heat. Your compost pile may also need moisture to be added to it if it is too dry; which will help along the process.

Rodents and other pests

Where there is garbage; indeed wherever there are humans, there are rats. Also some areas other pests such as raccoons may make a nuisance of themselves.

While the fact that you have a compost bin (as against a compost heap or compost pit) is not a guarantee against infestation, you can ensure that all lids and other openings (in any) are always kept securely shut. Sometimes locking may be necessary; raccoons are known to be very dexterous.

As you add food scraps to the composter, make sure you put them in the center, making access difficult for the little thieves. Also make sure that the bottom of the bin is secured to prevent entry from there.

A very strong hardware cloth made of quarter or half inch galvanized mesh on the bottom and top of your compost pile may do the trick. Also keep adding leaves and straw to the composter and mix since this makes the cocktail somewhat less appetizing to rodents. [pest control]


Flies are another irritant among a list of pests that are attracted to garbage. To deter them as well, mixing the compost mixture well is a good idea. Also keep leaves, straw or hay as the top layer of the compost pile since this is what is least likely to interest the flies.


Well composting is about rotting garbage, and too many anaerobic microbes will create that rather unpleasant smell. Regular mixing should take care of it.

Aerating is also known to help. Also make sure the lids of the bins are well secured and try and keep the composter at as much of a distance from the house as possible.

Lastly remember not to be discouraged if the composting process does not seem to go smoothly at first. Try some permutations and combinations that suit you and your conditions, some trial and error will be bound to yield results.