Have Some Fun While Growing Seeds


Whether you have a spacious garden to fill with flowers and plants, or just a few pots you’d like to decorate your apartment with, growing seeds can be a fulfilling and fun activity.

It’s not complicated as you think it is; there are lots to learn but it’s easy to do once you’ve learned the basics of growing seeds.

Although different types of plants and flowers require their own unique growing conditions, when it comes to developing healthy seeds there are some basic principles that apply to all.

Successful propagation and growth of seeds will reward you with beautiful greens to grace your home, and even your meals! Here are the principles you should know about growing seeds:

1. People often overlook the importance of record keeping for growing seeds. The journal will help you keep track of changes, watering habits, success rate, and the date for transplantation.

After a year has passed, you can review the journal and study what went wrong, and what went right. This useful information will help you keep track for the next year, and successfully growing seeds for your next batch.

2. When choosing containers for your seeds, make sure to choose wide and flat containers to avoid overcrowding. Also choose plastic pots because they are more efficient in retaining moisture than clay pots, which is crucial for the fragile roots of growing seeds.

You can even use recycled containers, such as pint sized ice cream container or margarine containers, for the seeds. Use an ice pick to poke holes in the bottom to help with drainage.

3. When placing your seeds into the soil[soil testing], be sure that they are in direct contact with the soil, and very firmly. Use a seed-starting mix with the soil to maximize the growth potential.

If you have small growing seeds, place it in a higher level of the soil for them to have better contact with the sunlight.

4. Because growing seeds makes it very fragile and sensitive to overwatering and too much moisture, it helps to use a plastic wrap secured over your little pot to keep moisture levels constant and regular.

Once you need to add more moisture, take the pot and dip it in a basin of 2-3 inches of water, allowing it to absorb water and nutrients from the bottom to enhance root growth. Once the surface of the pot has dried, you can gently spray water on its surface.

Remove the plastic wrap once your growing seeds have started to germinate.

5. Growing seeds require lots of warmth to encourage their germination. Recommended temperatures are 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

You can use artificial heat sources together with sunlight, such as space heaters. Always expose them to sunlight as much as you can, because without this, they will not germinate.

6. Take turns with your growing seed and sunlight. Turn the pot or your seed tray a few inches a few times a day to prevent some seeds from having longer stems than others.

7. Once your little seeds have begun germination and start to show healthy, beautiful leaves, use a little fertilizer in your water to encourage more growth.