8 Helpful Guiding Lines For Summer Gardening


Summer means blooming gardens and beautiful plants in them.

It is especially considered to be a busy period for gardeners as there are a lot of chores they need to do to take care of their plant varieties and the garden as a whole.

summer gardeningBelow are some of the important tasks which should be included in the priority list of a gardener:

1. Indoor Garden

Setting up of plant containers such as window boxes, hanging baskets and patio pots can be done before the arrival of summer because this is the time there is no possibility of frost and you can securely put the containers outside.

Also you should keep in mind that it is very essential to nourish the container-held plants so that they may grow to their fullest.

2. Dead-Heading

Dead-heading is considered to be a spring task but it is always advised that you carry on to dead-head flowers which can be grown all through the summer.

This activity helps in increasing the bloom time and also enhances the strength of the plant. You should especially take care of the dead-heading flowers that can regenerate into new plants so that you can have control over their growth.

3. Guarding Your Garden from Pests

It would be better to check the plants regularly so that you may control pests from spreading in your garden.

Roses tend to attract mildew and aphids so they need special care. You can also apply pepper wax to keep pests, rabbits, deer, etc. away.

4. Placing Supports

You can place poles and other kind of supports for elevated herbaceous plants, for instance delphiniums and peonies. This will give them support which they generally lack.

5. Watering the Plants

Make it a part of your daily routine to water the plants so that they may grow nicely.

Good amount of water is needed by the roots due to the hot weather, so it would be better if you avoid sprinkling and pour water into each pot individually.

6. Plant Rhizomes

Mid-summer is the ideal time to plant rhizomes so that they can bloom in the fall. A good example is colchicum.

7. Planting Annual Plants

Early summer is the best time for planting annual plants like lupines. Forget-me-not and other similar biennials can also be planted during this season.

8. Trimming the Shrubs

Majority of shrubs do not need trimming, but those that bloom in spring, like lilacs, should be trimmed.

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