Gardening From A Wheelchair


wheelchair gardeningWith a bit of forward thinking and some careful planning, wheelchair users can enjoy their favorite pastime just as much as able bodied gardeners.

For those with limited mobility similar information would also apply.

Raised beds are a great way of making a garden more accessible and they can be built without incurring a lot of expense.

When designing these flower beds remember to incorporate a seating area, enabling an individual to be able to stop and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

Good strong kneelers are available in most Garden Stores, designed so that the user can easily get up from them rather than waiting for assistance.

People with limited mobility often appreciate a bit of independence and other specially adapted tools etc are stocked by most hardware outlets.

Often small changes to your garden space can make a world of difference. For example the widening of existing paths can be very straightforward. Or replacing a high lawn maintenance with an easy to manage gravel can be done easily and cheaply.

Make sure your garden has plenty of seating areas and that they are comfortable. Tables need to be at the correct height so choose one that suits your individual requirements.

There is a multitude of garden furniture readily available but if you can’t find anything suitable why not consider getting something specially made.

On a personal level avoid working outside if it is too cold and take regular breaks. By planning your tasks it will be less frustrating and much easier to achieve what you set out to do.

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