7 Must Have Plants for Your Herb Garden


If you are planning on having your own herb garden, then there are many things that you will need to keep in mind while designing it. One of these things is the plants that you must grow in the garden to make it useful and effective. Herbs are one of the most useful of all plants and you must choose the right plants for your herb garden to make the most of their many benefits.  The following are the top 7 must have plants for your herb garden.


1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one of the most important and useful herbs that every herb garden must consist of. This herb has many uses and medicinal benefits like treating burns, eczema, wounds and cuts and skin allergies. These can be grown in normal conditions and need sun exposure and moist soil.

2. Marshmallow

Another herb which is very important for any herb garden is a marshmallow.  The root of the plant is very beneficial and can help to treat insect bites, skin inflammations, aching muscles and bruises and wounds.

3. Pot marigold

Pot marigold is a medicinal herb which grows well in normal climatic conditions and is hence easy to maintain.  This plant has several health and skin benefits and is used to treat sore eyes, insect bites as well as stings and wounds as well. Having this in your herb garden is a great idea.

4. Chinese yam

Chinese yam is yet another herb plant which your herb garden must have.  It can be directly eaten to cure problems of the stomach and spleen.  This plant also cures kidney and lung issues apart from dry coughs, diarrhea, poor digestion, tiredness, diabetes and snake bites.

5. Tea tree

Tea tree is popular all across the world for its many medicinal and other benefits. Having it in your garden can just prove very beneficial for you because it treats burns, insect bites, acne, vaginal infections,athelete foot and fever.

6. Lemon balm

If you want to stay cured of mosquito bites, animal bites, herpes, sores and other skin issues, then grow lemon balm herb in your herb garden and keep yourself away from colds and coughs as well.  The minty smell of this plant creates a good aroma in the garden.

7. Thyme

Thyme is used extensively in cooking and can treat stomach gas, coughs and congestion related problem as well. This plant is added to a lot of Italian food.

Photo credit By: healthyfoodhouse.com