Ways to Make an Attractive Garden Entrance

Ways to Make an Attractive Garden Entrance

The entrance of your garden serves as the first impression from the point of view of the guests. You should make sure it’s attractive enough to make a good impression. Listed below are a few ways or tips you can use to make your garden entrance capture the attention of your guests!

1. Make the paths to lead them in

The secret of creating a welcoming entrance is what lies behind a memorable first impression. If the paths are not even or slippery, it would look ugly as well as be dangerous. Ensure that the path of the entrance is wide enough and well paved. You can also use mondo grass in between the pavers or edge them with flowering shrubs. This will automatically send the guests to come in and have a journey further.

Ways to Make an Attractive Garden Entrance

2. Clear Directions

Make sure that the entrance is directly linked to the front door or gate. You have to make sure that the entrance signals towards the front gate in any such way like you can position a focal point and add beautiful flower pots to lead the straight. If you have any infrastructure such as fountains, then make sure that the front door is colored in such a way that it stands out.

3. Make a connection between the garden and the street

You can easily establish a connection between the garden and the streets by allowing a peek of the garden visible through the entrance. You can easily do this by using timber and shaping out a tree or something relatable through it. This will also make the visitors more curious to visit your garden.

4. Pause areas

If you have enough path space, then why not utilize it. You can prefer adding a bench or any such comforting figure which can act as a pause in the venture. Make sure the pause isn’t something obstructing, but comforting. No matter how much the distance is from the front gate and the entrance, this is another way to make an impression and gather visitors easily.

5. Arrival Greet

Make sure that the entry is large enough so that the people can pause for a minute or two to look into the garden. You can add special features next to the front door which may include fountains, sculptures, unique plants or something unsual as per your personality in the entrance area to flaunt your garden.

6. Lights!

Using lights near the paths of the entrance would not only be inviting during the night time but also safe. You can light up trees beautifully, which will literally add excitement in the front garden for the visitors. They will easily catch the attention and are the simplest of the ways for an attractive garden entrance.

7. Keep the plants in check

Make sure you take good care of the plants near the garden entrance. You may avoid a lot of green plants and add a few flowering plants in an alternate manner to grab the attention faster!