Taking Care of Citrus Fruit Plants

taking care of citrus fruit plans

A tree that produces fruits which are juicy and need to be peeled off before consumption are generally categorised as citrus fruits. Fruits like lime, lemon, oranges, clementine, blood oranges, etc. are citrus fruits. They are farmed in the warm countries for better quality of fruit production.

These fruits contain vitamin C, glycaemic carbohydrate, non-glycaemic carbohydrate, niacin, potassium and many more nutritional compounds good for your health. If you love gardening and wish to grow citrus plants then below given tips will surely help you to take care of your plants:

taking care of citrus fruit plans

5 Tips to Take Care of the Citrus Plants:

There are a few simple tips about growing and taking care of these precious citrus plants –

1. Choosing the Right Citrus Tree

Great varieties of citrus trees are available for cultivating such as Calamondin Orange, Eureka Lemon, Persian or Bearss Lime, Rangpur Lime, Select the type of plant which is suitable for your area and soil type.

2. It’s Time for Food

The trees require 5 hours of sunlight daily. If you want a lot of harvest, then you need to arrange for extra food for the trees in the form of high power ejection lighting.

3. Humidity can be Detrimental

The trees start to shed their leaves under an extremely humid atmosphere. Perfect humidity should be between 45-50%. You need to use a humidifier if necessary.

4. Correct pH Balance and Proper Drainage of Water System

You need to understand that the citrus tree will get its food from the soil in which it has been planted, so the soil needs to be of proper composition containing 1 part of sand, 1part of peat and 1 part of bark. Water log inside the pot will kill the tree so be careful to put a layer of 1”-2” of gravel at the bottom of the pot to help with adequate drainage. 

5. Water the Plant

Water helps the plant cook its food with the help of sunlight. Thus water and sunlight are very necessary for the growth of the citrus plant. If the top layer of soil appears to be dry, it is good to water the plant, but remember not to drown the base of the plant. Water the plant twice during summer and carefully during the winter. 

Thus the above given tips will surely help you to have healthy citrus plants in your garden.